Purpose in Every Season


Join us for our season one finale as we discuss the changing seasons of life! In this episode, we break down how we can find purpose and presence in every season, no matter how it looks. (We also offer about a million thank yous for sharing this season with us, and if you’re reading this, please take at least a million more). We love you and can’t wait to share more together in season two!


It might not feel like it, but all the tedious, annoying things you do for your children are acts of love. Every diaper, every midnight change of the sheets, every shoe tied and every jacket zipped is a parent saying, ‘I love you, I love you, I love you.’ I remind myself of this whenever I get overwhelmed. What I’m really doing is telling myself and everyone else, ‘I love her, I love her, I love her.’

Bonnie, Cup of Jo reader

Simple Abundance: A Daybook of Comfort and Joy by Sarah Ban Breathnach


  • The beautiful thing about seasons, is that they change.
  • Part of mindfulness is just being in the present moment – not forward thinking or being stuck in the past.
  • Don’t compare current you to former you.
  • Finding purpose and presence in your season is simply finding gentle acceptance for where you are.
  • Each season holds purpose, no matter how difficult.
  • Endurance doesn’t mean unnecessary suffering or being a martyr – it means grounding into where you are with patience and understanding.
  • You can choose what you are saying in your season – you have choices no matter how out of your control your circumstances or season may feel.
  • When you’re in a difficult season, continuing on is enough of a statement and is a massive choice.
  • Be open to the unexpected – flexibility allows presence and peace in your season.
  • Rather than getting stuck on the beautiful seasons, allow yourself full presence in difficult seasons and you’ll discover the beauty in them as well.
  • Simple, daily steps forward in heavy seasons are enough.
  • Heavy seasons allow more compassion and joy in lighter seasons.
  • Every season we travel lends itself to our ability to empathize with others.
  • Connecting with the opposite season allows you a more multidimensional and rich experience in your season – i.e. empathizing with those who are struggling when you are not, finding joy for those who are happy when you are not.


  • What am I saying with my life in this season? What statement am I making?
  • How does this experience allow me to better shelter and understand others as they weather their seasons?
  • How is this difficulty shaping me? How will that benefit me?
  • How can I better connect with those who are experiencing a season different than mine?
  • How can I best accept myself today, exactly where I am, exactly as I am?


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Read featured posts, download a meditation, or sign up for future retreats and events with Shelby – http://returnjourneyoga.com

Read along on the blog, download mindfulness worksheets and resources, or book a coaching session with McKell – http://untojoy.com